Best Practice Series (BPS)

Best Practice Series (BPS)

The EYET Best Practice Series (BPS) consists of a diverse collection of 2-part, half-day training sessions held online. These virtual workshops are more advanced in subject-matter, and tend to go into more depth, covering a variety of specialized housing-related topics. These sessions are suited to any service provider in the housing sector, regardless of their experience. Participants receive an Acknowledgment of Training after successfully attending BPS webinars.

Topics are offered on a rotating and changing basis, including (but not limited to):

  • Mental Health Awareness in Housing Services
  • Temporary and Fixed Housing Types
  • Income Supports & Employment in Housing Services
  • Population Specific Services
  • Life Skills Awareness in Housing Services

The Best Practice Series sessions are two half-day sessions that are typically offered over two consecutive Wednesday mornings, and cost $90 per participant.


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