Early ON Child & Family Centres

Explore our Early ON Child & Family Centres for opportunities for children from birth to 6 yrs. of age to participate in play, and inquiry based activities and supports for parents and caregivers in their roles. From developmental programs to parental guidance, discover the resources to lay a strong foundation for your child’s future and your family’s well-being.

Newcomer Programs

Discover our newcomer services tailored to welcome you to Ontario and help you integrate into your community. Through workshops and discussion circles, find the support you need togain a better understanding and access the neighbourhood you live in.

Pre-Natal Parental Programs

Discover our prenatal support services designed to support expectant families and ensure maternal and child health. Join us to find the resources you need to embark on a healthy pregnancy journey and welcome your new addition with confidence.

Family Resources

Explore our range of family resources dedicated to strengthening bonds and supporting growth within your household. Through  educational resources, discover the tools and support needed to nurture a thriving family dynamic.