Family Resources

The resources on this page are for the whole family! Need help negotiating screen time? Want to foster positive self-esteem? Have questions on how to promote language literacy in multiple languages? These articles will provide you with information and strategies that address these challenges and more.

All About Temperament: We all react to stress differently and that can lead to conflict, especially between parents and their children. This article discusses how to understand your child’s unique temperament and how you can support them and your improve relationship with them.


Brain Development: We know more now about the developing brain than ever before. This article aims to simplify the mystery behind early brain development and provide an understanding of how best to support a developing brain.


Dressing for Winter: Newcomers and long-time residents know it can get cold in the winter! This easy-to-understand guide helps you know what to wear to stay safe and warm in winter weather.


Expansion of language at home:  Trying to find a way to keep the kids on track with building their literacy skills? This great document has tips to help you and your children maintain progress while at home.


Fostering Self Esteem:  How children feel about themselves and see themselves in their world is so important. This document explores ways we can provide children with tools for building their self-esteem. 


Heat Alert: With the heat comes many health concerns that we need to be aware of. Please take a moment to review this resource to help ensure that you and your family remain safe during heat waves.


Hot weather and food safety: When enjoying the warm weather, it’s great to eat outside. However, food will spoil quicker when exposed to hot temperatures outdoors. This resource offers some tips and tricks that can help keep you and your family safe when eating outdoors.


Internet Safety: As adults, we want to ensure our children are safe when using the internet for social media, games, and other avenues. Please find attached a great resource to help you and children protect yourselves from the online dangers that are out there.


Physical Literacy Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4: Keeping active is important for every family, especially for the healthy development of a child. This four-part resource can help support you and your family in staying active.


Screen Time: It is important that we, as parents, keep an eye on how much time our children spend on cell phones, tablets, computers, television, and other electronic devices. This resource can help identify side effects of too much screen time, some ways to encourage alternative pastimes, and how to resolve conflicts.


Selective Eater: Food is a valuable commodity and is important to a healthy lifestyle. But the dinner table can be a battlefield when children don’t want to eat what’s served. This resource may provide you with some information that will help to ease mealtime conflicts.


Sibling Rivalry: Rivalry, in the form of conflict, tension, fighting (physical and verbal), and jealousy can occur between siblings/step-siblings. This article aims to help families understand why siblings may experience rivalry and what can be done to help lessen the stress at home if this is occurring.


Stress and Child Development: Stress is an everyday part of life, even for infants and young children. While some stress is detrimental, other types of stress can aid child development. This article explores the different forms of stress and how to best support your little ones when they’re stressed.


Sun Saftey:  Sun safety is a year-round concern, especially in the summer. Please find attached a quick reference for staying safe in the sun.