EarlyON Resource Sheets

 All About Temperament:  By having an understanding of temperament and how to best support your child’s temperament style can help support the relationship the two of you share. Everyone has their own unique temperament. This article aims to explain the different sides of temperament, why understanding temperament is important.

Block Play: With technology advancing at such a fast pace and society focusing on children learning technology at an earlier age, we need to remember that before we can use technology, we need to build developing functional skills.  Playing with blocks is a great way for children to learn math, science and problem solving skills. This article will help to demonstrate the importance of block play among children.

Brain Development:  Brain development theory is a rapidly growing area of research within the field of Early Childhood Development (ECD). We know more now about the developing brain than ever before as a result of advances in science, technology and the growing passions of ECD researchers. Not only do we know how a brain grows and develops, but we also know when different areas of the brain are more sensitive to growing and even how best to support these different “sensitive” or critical periods. This article aims to simplify the mystery behind early brain development, highlight when these sensitive periods blossom and provide an understanding of how best to support a developing brain

Dressing for Winter: Newcomers and long time residents know it can get cold in the winter! This easy to understand resource helps you know what to wear to stay safe and warm in winter weather.

Ending the Day With a Story:–  Reading and story telling has been a part of many families’ daily routine for years. Whether it is right before bed or during some other part of the day many adults have chosen to continued this tradition with their little ones. This tradition of reading aloud with your child and including it into your everyday routine has been researched and has proven to have many benefits for children. 

Expansion of language at home: – Trying to find a way to keep the kids on track with building their literacy skills? Take a look at this great document to help you and your children at home to keep the momentum going.

Fostering Self Esteem:  How children feel about themselves and see themselves in their world is so important. Positive self-esteem begins in infancy with a strong attachment. By responding to their cues, children feel safe and secure to explore the world around them. Providing children with the tools to build their self-esteem helps them to be confident, independent people.

Heat Alert: Over the last few weeks the weather has been quite hot. With the heat comes with many health concerns that we need to be aware of. Please take a moment to review this great resource to ensure that you and your family remain safe during heat waves.

Hot weather and food safety: As we are enjoying the warm weather and possibly eating outside more, we need to be aware that food will spoil quicker when exposed to hot temperatures outdoors. This resource offers some tips and tricks that can help keep you and your family stay safe when eating outdoors.

How Does COVID-19 Spread?: This fun video will help you and your family learn how to stay staff during this pandemic. Created by the City of Toronto Children’s Services. To access the video in French click here.

Internet Safety: In a world of technology, children are very curious about learning and exploring the internet which can include social media, games and other avenues. As adults we want to ensure our children are safe when using the internet. Please find attached a great resource to help you and children protect yourselves from the online dangers that are out there.

Keeping Routines During COVID-19:  Families are feeling stressed, anxious and fearful about the change in our lifestyles since COVID-19 happened. This pandemic is probably the first time that most of us have ever experienced something so huge. With that being said, it is essential to keep your previous routines (before COVID) the same or very close to what routines will look like now during COVID. 

Loose Parts in your home: Have you ever noticed your child receive a gift and they were more interested in playing with the wrapping paper, the ribbon, the box that the gift came in rather than the toy given as the gift? Loose parts are open ended materials that allows children to create without the predisposition of a created toy. This article will provide you with ideas and information on why “loose parts” are so important in a child’s play.

Loose Parts Outdoors: Often when we imagine children playing outdoors, we envision children playing on playground structures, a specific toy or playing a specific game. Having loose parts in outdoor play environments boost the level of engagement in their play when compared to the stationary structures or materials with set purpose. Including loose parts into outdoor play enriches the play environment. This article will provide you with ideas and information on why “loose parts” are so important in a child’s play outdoors.

Physical Literacy Part 1: Keeping active is important for every family, especially for the healthy development of a child. We understand that it is quite challenging when resources and facilities are limited during this time of a pandemic. Please find attached this resource to help support you and your family to stay active during this time.

Physical Literacy Part 2: Keeping active is important for every family, especially for the healthy development of a child. We understand that it is quite challenging when resources and facilities are limited during this time of a pandemic. Please find attached this resource to help support you and your family to stay active during this time.

Physical Literacy Part 3:  Keeping active is important for every family, especially for the healthy development of a child. We understand that it is quite challenging when resources and facilities are limited during this time of a pandemic. Please find attached this resource to help support you and your family to stay active during this time.

Physical Literacy Part 4:  Keeping active is important for every family, especially for the healthy development of a child. We understand that it is quite challenging when resources and facilities are limited during this time of a pandemic. Please find attached this resource to help support you and your family to stay active during this time.

Screen Time: Although we are spending more time at home these days, it is even more important that we, as parents, keep an eye on how much time is being spent on devices, such as cell phones, I-pads, computers, television, etc. This resource is intended to help identify side effects of too much screen time and some strategies to combat the possible battles at home of children wanting more screen time.

Selective Eater: We have all experienced a time, whether it was a personal experience or you witnessed it when there was a power struggle at the dinner table to eat the food that was provided. Food is a valuable commodity and is important to a healthy lifestyle. But why is it used within power struggles between children and parents? This resource may provide you with some information that will help to ease the battle around food.

Sibling Rivalry: Sibling Rivalry can be defined as the conflict, tension, fighting (physical and verbal) and jealousy experienced and exhibited between siblings/step-siblings. This article aims to help families understand why siblings may experience rivalry and what can be done to help lessen the stress at home if this is occurring. 

Stress and Child Development: Stress is an everyday part of life, even for infants and young children. Often as adults we do not think of infants and children experiencing stress but research tells us they do. Research also highlights that not all stress is bad. Some can even be a healthy part of child development and strengthen skills like resiliency, persistence, and self-regulation later in life. So, what is the difference between good and bad stress for infants? This article aims to inform parents about the different types of stress and how to best support your little ones while they experience stress.

Sun Saftey:– As of this weekend, summer is officially upon us. As sun safety is a year around concern, it it more so in the summer time. Please find attached a quick reference for when you and your children are outside and how to stay safe in the sun.

Supporting Your Child As They Return to A “New Normal”With child care being given the green light to move towards opening their doors and accepting your child back in their care, this document can help to provide you with suggestions on how to support your child with the transition and prepare them for how things will look as they return to child care.

10 Tips to prepare for Kindergarten: With children starting school over the next few weeks, please find attached 10 simple tips that you can work on with them at home in order to prepare them for their first day of school.

Talking to your kids about Covid: Unfortunately Covid-19 is not going anywhere anytime soon. Please find attached a great resource to help talk to your children about it, along with a activity to show them how quickly and easily germs can spread.

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